LASC Update | May 19, 2020
Reminder that Cal South nor the State of California are sanctioning any soccer activities until further notice.

How Can Our LASC Community Come Together and Help Those in Need
During this unprecedented time, our first priority is people – protecting and supporting our families and community.

LASC Update | April 6, 2020
Cal South aligns itself with the State of California Stay-At-Home order.

LASC Update | March 31, 2020
While millions of medical personnel around the world are doing everything possible to contain the COVID-19 virus, all of us at USYS are working hard to ensure the health and wellness of our entire USYS Family.

LASC Update | March 20, 2020
Cal South has postponed all activities until at least April 17th and we will do the same. We will only consider returning to the fields once it is deemed safe by the authorities on the subject.

LASC Update | March 19, 2020
The California State Public Health Officer and Director of the California Department of Public Health is ordering all individuals living in the State of California to stay home or at their place of residence

LASC Update | March 16, 2020
Cal South hereby suspends all program and competition activities effective immediately through April 17, 2020.

LASC Update | March 13, 2020
We have been carefully monitoring the CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) situation and its current impact in our community.

LASC Update | March 12, 2020
With the increasing number of cases of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) being reported across the world

COVID-19 Resource Center
LASC is committed to providing our community with timely and accurate information on COVID-19 and its effects on the youth soccer landscape.