How Can Our LASC Community Come Together and Help Those in Need

During this unprecedented time, our first priority is people – protecting and supporting our families and community. We know that many here in Los Angeles are already facing huge challenges in meeting their basic needs.

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In the face of this unfolding crisis, we believe that it is more important than ever to come together to help those most in need. We have many families within our club with members working on the front lines including medical, law enforcement, and fire. All of whom are in great need of personal protective equipment (PPE).

If you have access to any of the following resources and are able to donate, or if you work in these fields and are in need of supplies please email us at and we will do our best to help facilitate.

  • N95 Masks

  • Goggles

  • Face Masks

  • Gowns

  • Tyvek

  • and any other PPE

Because of the continued work of our club directors, coaches, managers, and others we have been in constant contact with our LASC families. It saddens us to hear that there are some in our community struggling with basic finances and resources. If we can assist your family, or you have resources you can share with our families who are in need, please, contact us.

We felt it was very important, early on in the pandemic, to let everyone know the club would not be collecting registration fees during this time. With so much uncertainty in the world it was of critical importance to make sure we did not add to our families burdens. We are all in this together and if we support each other we will get through this together. We will always strive to do our best to support our families and we appreciate each and every one of you.

Our goal, always, is to empower our community to make a positive difference in the world, so let’s come together and make a difference.

We understand that asking for help can be difficult, but it also enables to achieve better results.

Stay Safe Everyone and Thank You!


LASC Update | May 11, 2020


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