Cal South Return-to-Play Phases and Protocols
It has been nearly 10 weeks since California implemented its Stay-At-Home order and Cal South suspended all youth soccer activities. During that time we have all been working diligently to prepare for the club’s safe return to play. Today, we received word that the finalized version of Cal South’s Return-To-Play protocols will be available to everyone by the end of the week. This is a big step on the road back to the field and we appreciate all the work done to create this document.
While this milestone moves us a step closer to returning to the field it DOES NOT mean that we can return immediately. Each county and city will still have to sign off before we can return to a particular area. We have been advised that San Diego will most likely be the first to return and will then be followed by other counties in the coming weeks. Los Angeles county will most likely be the last county to open based on its population and the potential risks.
Once a county/city reopens for youth sports the Cal South Return-To-Play protocols will be a guide for all clubs as we navigate their return. It is IMPORTANT to note that the Cal South protocols are meant to be the minimum standard followed by clubs. There may be other, more stringent, protocols put in place by a county/city which must also be followed.
The Return-To-Play protocols are broken up into phases that give clear guidance to protect our players, coaches, families, facility employees, and anyone else involved. Below, you can find the link to Cal South’s website and all the details. It is IMPORTANT to note again that these phases will be highly dependent on the particular county/city in which they are governed.
Now, more than ever, is the time to come together!
As more information becomes available regarding individual counties and cities reopening we will update here. While it is clear that we are getting close to a return, please, remember that the safety of our communities comes first. As a club and community, it is increasingly important to be patient and understanding during this time so we can all return safely.