Cal South Return-to-Play Cal South Lifts Suspension of Soccer Activities

On Thursday, June 11, we received communication from Cal South that the suspension of soccer activities would be lifted on June 12. Effectively, this means that both the State of California and Cal South is allowing teams to return to play.

In practice, it is not quite as simple. Although both the State of California and Cal South have started to reopen it doesn't mean that all clubs and teams are able to return to the field. At this point, it is up to each individual county to reopen and then each facility within that county.

Some counties, like San Diego, have already reopened for youth sports and are able to return as soon as individual facilities reopen. As of right now, we are waiting to get the OFFICIAL word from Cal South that LA County has reopened. Once that happens, facilities within LA County will begin to reopen and we can get back to the field.

Once the facilities reopen all clubs and teams will be required to follow Cal South Return-To-Play protocols. It is IMPORTANT to note that the Cal South protocols are meant to be the minimum standard followed by clubs. There may be other, more stringent, protocols put in place by LA County which must also be followed.

The Return-To-Play protocols are broken up into phases that give clear guidance to protect our players, coaches, families, facility employees, and anyone else involved. These MUST be followed by all clubs and teams.

Please, check out the link below to Cal South’s website. There you can find all the information regarding Cal South’s protocols and related information.

Official Cal South Return-To-Play Guidelines

As soon as we get more information regarding LA County and our facilities we will update everyone. While we do not know the exact dates of return it is clear that we are getting close. We are excited to get back on the field soon and can’t wait to see you.

We are ready for you!

We are ready for you!




Cal South Return-to-Play Phases and Protocols