Welcome to LA Soccer Club's Official Blog Page

Hello, LASC family. We wanted to officially introduce Los Angeles Soccer Club’s new blog page. Although we have entered an unprecedented time of uncertainty, we have the power of the world wide web to keep us connected. We are in this together and we want to take advantage of the social channels we have at our fingertips to keep our community engaged and encourage everyone to join us on this journey together.

When we created LASC we wanted a space where we can all come together as a community. This means that we want to encourage each other as teammates, parents, coaches, managers, etc. to be the best at what we do and also learn from one another. We believe that in having this space we can create an endless network of support for one another. We encourage community not competition (however, competition in the game itself is encouraged).

So what kind of posts can you expect to see? Tons! The posts will include topics such as soccer tips, lessons, education, behind-the-scenes, and more. We want to help guide answers and information to common questions like, “When should I start looking into college scholarships?” or “What do coaches look for at tryouts?” Not everything will be quite so serious so we’ll also mix in things like “Player Spotlights”, “Coach Interviews”, or maybe some “80’s Workouts”. We know you want the scoop on your coach’s deepest secrets and of course why they became a coach.

To get you aquatinted with the club’s online activities, we’ve highlighted them below:

LASC Instagram

We launched our Instagram page in February and have been posting daily technical exercises, as well as, fun player submission videos. If you haven’t been to the page lately, take a look at some of the player submissions and if you would like to submit a video you can find all the details HERE.

LASC Facebook

If you haven’t already done so, “like” us on Facebook. We post content here as well and it’s a great way to catch up on the latest information on-the-go.


Every week we will publish on the blog content related to all aspects of youth soccer. From parent and player education to fun interviews, we want everyone to look forward to weekly posts.


If there are ever any questions or suggestions, we encourage them! Shoot us a message or simply leave us a comment below.


LASC Update | April 6, 2020


How to Make A Simple Soccer Video for Social Media